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Oils What Is The Best Organic CBD Oil In The Market?

At the moment, many people have started discovering the benefits that they can avail of from CBD oil. Cannabidiol or CBD is typically extracted from the cannabis Sativa either as an oil or a powder. This oil or powder is then combined with everyday products such as skin cream or edibles. Depending on the concentration of the CBD chemical in the product, you can use it as an active means of medication for a variety of health conditions.

What is the best organic CBD oil?

You must be wondering as to why is CBD oil is becoming so popular. Well, the answer is really simple. The chemical has anti-inflammatory and anti-depressant properties. As such, it is proving to be quite a boon in the tumultuous world of today. With its therapeutic effects, CBD oil products are quickly climbing up the ladder. This fame of CBD has put the total valuation of the cannabis industry at $13.7 billion. And that is not even the shocking part.

The shocking part is that in just another six years it has been estimated for this number to increase to $66.3 billion! Furthermore, slowly and gradually more people on a global scale are coming to know about CBD and the medicinal benefits it offers. Definitely, CBD oil is showing no signs of slowing down. At least in the near future.

With the interest of so many people fixated on a single oil, it is important for the CBD oil to be effective. It should not have any undesirable effects on the user’s health. Well, the good news is that experts have found no confirmed side-effects on the repeated use of the CBD oil. But, there is still the need for the extracted CBD oil to be organic.

Being organic is not only the newest trend of 2019. It also helps to assure that you are not having anything that can prove harmful to your health. Read on as we discuss why if you do decide to buy CBD oil, should you opt for the organic variety always. In the end, we will also tell you the best place for you to buy your organic CBD oil from.

Understanding The Term ‘Organic CBD Oil’

Before we talk about organic, let us focus on what is CBD actually is. CBD is a chemical compound that grows in the cannabis Sativa plant. It is a non-psychoactive chemical that has holistic properties. It is important for you to know that you get the benefits of CBD without it creating any high for you. A lot of people assume that since it is derived from a cannabis plant, they should avoid it as they will be intoxicated.

As such, it can make them fall in trouble with the law. That certainly is not the case. You cannot be intoxicated when you consume the CBD chemical. Even when you use it in higher amounts. 

As per the health benefits, CBD oil may help to regulate your physical and mental wellbeing. If you are a patient suffering from hypertension or anxiety, you can enjoy using CBD. Try to opt for products infused with CBD oil for this. Even for the most severe health issues, CBD oil strives to reduce the symptoms related to them. These diseases include cancer, heart diseases, osteoporosis et cetera. Furthermore, CBD might help to reduce mood swings and restore the appetite of users as well. 

After reading all these benefits, we are sure that you might be tempted to give CBD at least one try. This brings us to the first part of our article – knowing what organic CBD is.

The word organic nowadays is being commonly tossed about. A lot of us have an idea of what it means but then again it is so much more. It was the Organic Foods Production Act that first created the word “organic.” There are a couple of things that need to be fulfilled before we can deem anything as organic. Here are the pointers that need to be met by the food items –

– The materials and practices used to create any item should enhance the ecological balance of natural systems.

– it should combine the various farming system parts into an ecological whole.

In addition to the above points, the U.S Department of Agriculture National Organic Standards Board (USDA) has also set up a few guidelines. To be deemed organic, a food item or otherwise must meet the following guidelines –

a) The food item should avoid the use of prohibited substances. This should be followed for three years prior to it being harvested. Prohibited substances include synthetic chemicals such as pesticides and fertilizers.

b) The use of artificial colors, preservatives or flavors in processed and multi-ingredient food should be quashed. Only baking soda is the food item that enjoys exemption from this rule. 

c) The food items should be non-GMO. In other words, the use of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) should be avoided.

d) A complete natural environment should be given to animals. It should be ensured that they have normal living conditions. The natural behavior of animals must be encouraged and they should be fed organic food as well. The use of hormone injections or antibiotics on animals should be avoided fully.

The Reasons Why You Should Include Organic CBD Oil In Your Life

There are many advantages that you can get when you start using CBD oil products in your everyday life. Your psychological, physical article and neurological health can be effectively maintained. Here are the top benefits that you get when you use the CBD oil

1. CBD oil can be used to treat a variety of skin issues. Skin problems such as acne, eczema, and psoriasis candy if actively treated. The chemical can regulate the production of sebum in the skin membrane. It is this even that causes breakouts and other skin issues. You can even use CBD infused products to fight signs of aging. Wrinkles, fine lines et cetera can be effectively curbed.

2. CBD oil can be used to reduce anxiety and stress levels. The chemical stimulates the production of serotonin in the body. It is the deficiency of the serotonin that causes an increase in the symptoms related to mental disorders. You can improve your mood, and get back your appetite. Even for depression, you can use the antidepressant properties of the chemical.

3. CBD oil can reduce the risks related to cancer. Here, the chemical helps to replace weaker and dead cells with healthier cells. In fact, the growth of cancerous tumors controlled to the point of preventing it completely.

4. CBD oil may help to exercise control over atherosclerosis. This refers to the buildup of plaque in the valves of the heart. When this is reduced then automatically the stress on the heart is reduced as well. This helps to reduce the risks related to heart diseases and heart attacks.

5. CBD oil can help in cases of cholesterol and obesity control as well. It may help to control ‘bad cholesterol.’ And, it helps in the promotion of ‘good cholesterol’ simultaneously. As for obesity, it was found that cannabis users have smaller waistlines in comparison to non-cannabis users. Also, the Body Mass Index (BMI) was lower too. In addition to this, the CBD chemical can help convert white fat into brown fat. The latter is much easier to burn by the body. This, in turn, helps to keep the weight in control.

6. CBD oil can promote bone metabolism. It helps to replace old bone material with new bone material. It also stimulate the mitochondria and glutamate production. This is one of the prime reasons why CBD users heal faster from broken bones. This is in comparison to the non-CBD users.

Hence, these are reasons aplenty for you to introduce CBD oil in your daily life.

How To Ensure That Your Extracted CBD Oil Is Organic?

In simple words, you can get organic CBD oil only from organic mother plants. Just think about it. If the mother plant is not organic then how can you get organic CBD oil from it?

As mentioned above, the CBD oil is extracted from the cannabis Sativa plant. And, the cannabis Sativa plant is generally of two types –

– The Hemp Plant

The hemp plant contains a larger concentration of the CBD chemical. And, a lesser concentration of the THC chemical. It should be noted that the total THC content is always below 0.3 percent which makes it negligible.

– The Marijuana Plant

The marijuana plant, on the contrary, has a greater THC level in it. The CBD chemical is also present but in lower amounts.

Keeping this in mind, it is only logical for the oil that is extracted from these plants to display similar features. That is to their mother plants. The CBD oil that is extracted from the hemp plant naturally contains a greater CBD level. And, a lower THC level. Similarly, the CBD oil that is extracted from the marijuana plant will contain a higher THC level.

Let us talk about what THC is and why it is being emphasized so much along with CBD. You see, the cannabis Sativa plant has around 120 various types of cannabinoids present in it. Out of them, the two most prominent ones are THC and, of course, CBD. The THC chemical is a psychoactive chemical. Yes, when you consume this chemical in higher amounts, it creates a euphoric high for its users. The chemical also influences the cognitive and physical functions of our body.

This includes reasoning, memory, sharpness, coordination et cetera. If you remember, the CBD chemical is the complete opposite of THC. This is one of the main reasons why governments recognize both these chemicals as separate entities. And that they have different legal statuses. 

When we talk about the organic factor of CBD oil, there are certain nuances to it. First and foremost, the guidelines formulated by the USDA has to be met by the extracted CBD oil. This, in turn, is a lot of importance on the mother plant. So, you have to find out where the hemp plant that is used by the company is being grown. And, the living conditions as well.

Only go for companies that ensure first-grade conditions for the growth of their mother plants. In addition to this, they should be limited use of pesticides and fertilizers to stimulate the growth of the mother plant. Not only that, these mother plans should be given organic food and proper shelter as well. All in all, you should know every little detail about a CBD company’s mother plants. 

Next, and you should opt for a CBD company that is transparent about its business practices. This transparency should extend to their products, mother plants, and, of course, the overall functioning of the company. You have the full right to ask for more information on matters that are of public interest. If you feel that any company is being vague or is not reverting back to your queries, it is better to skip the company altogether.

The next thing that you should ensure is the quality of the CBD oil that is extracted by the company. In order to be effective, the CBD oil should be pure and clean. To ensure this, it is better to buy from companies that use the CO2 extraction process. This process does not involve the use of any solvents that can have a harsh effect on the CBD oil quality. Remember, you need CBD oil that is free from any addition and infiltration. 

While you are at it, find out whether the product is used by the company is third-party tested and certified. One of the biggest pros of these tests and certificates is that you get results that are correct and reliable. The main reason for this is that third-party labs do not have any bias. This outlook extends to every CBD brand that sends their product samples for testing.

This, in turn, helps to ensure that the information you derive from these tests is trustworthy. You can know about the total amount of pesticides and fertilizers that are present in the item. In addition to this, the presence of hard metals and microbes can be determined as well. This is actually a very big plus since hemp plants are bio accumulators. Basically, the plants absorb both, the good and the bad. By seeing these tests, you can find out whether a product is actually good for you or not.

When you keep all this in mind, you can definitely buy the best available organic CBD oil in the market. If you have any doubts about the organic factor of the CBD item, you can always refer to the third-party lab test results.

WTP Hemp: The Best Place For You To Purchase The Best Organic CBD Oil From

There may be chances that you are lost on which company should you place your trust in when you set out to buy CBD oil. For such cases, we would like to suggest a brand to you.

We The People Hemp or WTP Hemp has created a name for itself in the cannabis market. This is mainly due to the excellent quality of CBD oil that it makes available to its buyers. Furthermore, the company has excellent goodwill among its present customers as well.

WTP Hemp chooses the supercritical CO2 nanoemulsion extraction technology for its CBD oil. As mentioned above, this method ensures that the CBD oil is pure and of high quality.

The biggest advantage that you get when you buy from WTP Hemp is the assurance of organic CBD oil. The mother hemp plant used by the company is grown in organic conditions that are first-grade. Each and every hemp plant is cultivated within the United States of America too. There is limited use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides that keep the traces low.

The company has a 24 x 7 customer service operated by knowledgeable and helpful staff. If you have any queries about the company or its products, you can contact this helpline. Furthermore, the return and shipping policies of WTP Hemp is one of the best in the industry. If by chance, any buyer is not satisfied with the product received by him or her, he only needs to contact the WTP Hemp. The company will either refund the full amount or replace the product, no questions asked. 

Coming to the product point of you, you can choose from a variety of options such as:

  • CBD gummy bears
  • CBD tinctures
  • CBD capsules
  • CBD skin creams

Each and every product employs the use of superior quality CBD oil. Also, every ingredient used by the company is clearly mentioned on the product labels as well. All in all, you do not have to worry about receiving lower quality products that are not worth your money. You can rest easy when it comes to organic and excellent quality CBD oil. WTP Hemp’s CBD oil will actually give you the benefit for which you want to introduce the CBD chemical in your life.

Posted in Oils; Tagged CBD reviews Product comparisons

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