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Oils Truth About CBD Dosage For Inflammation: Decoding The Nuances Related To Dose Amounts

CBD is the newest trending medical element. The fact that it has potential health benefits has made it a must-have on the list of many people. There has also been an active shift in the interest of people towards organic products. They now want to have products that are of good quality. Learn about CBD dosage for inflammation.

For many issues like inflammation and pain, people use over-the-counter drugs. Now, the issue with these drugs is that they can do it on our side effects on the health of the user. But with the help of CBD, they did not have to worry about side-effects. Also, CBD is effective enough to reduce the symptoms related to information and pain. In fact, CBD is claimed to be an excellent pain relief stimulant as well.

While all this sounds great, but you are not careful of one specific thing, you will not be able to enjoy the benefits of CBD. The thing in question here is the optimal dosage.

It is very important for CBD to be consumed in the right amounts. Failure to do so may lead to an adverse impact on your health. This is in cases of overconsumption of CBD. Whereas, if you consume CBD in your amount, it will not be effective enough to improve your symptoms. Hence, understanding the correct CBD intake is important.

Read on as we discuss inflammation in relation to CBD. And, the correct dosage to make your life better.

What Is Inflammation? What Are The Different Types Of Inflammation?

What Is Inflammation? What Are The Different Types Of Inflammation?

Inflammation is the response of our body to protect it. Whenever we get hurt, our body tends to swell up. This is to protect it from any further potential damage.

Sadly, there are many people who are becoming affected with inflammation issues. At the moment, there are two types of inflammation. These two types are:

  1. Acute inflammation
  2. Chronic inflammation

Acute inflammation is a common occurrence after illness, infection, or any injury. When the immune cells of the body become activated, the affected area works to provide a cushion to it. In cases of acute inflammation, the area becomes reddish in appearance and swells up.

On the other hand, chronic inflammation is a more prolonged type of inflammation. It takes place over a longer period of time. Actually, the response of the body to protect a particular area does not subside in this case.

The main cause of chronic inflammation is the increased production of free radicals. The increased production can, in turn, lead to oxidative stress. This can starts affecting the tissues and organs of the person. The common causes of chronic inflammation include persistent infections in the body. These are the infections that have been left untreated. Then autoimmune disorder is can also cause this type of inflammation.

The issue of chronic inflammation is that they can trigger other health issues. These include issues such as cancer, diabetes, obesity, asthma, and so on.

The Reason For The Effect That The CBD Chemical Has On The Human Body

The Reason For The Effect That The CBD Chemical Has On The Human Body

Every mammal has an endocannabinoids system or the ECS system. It is through this system that the CBD chemical interacts with the user. The ECS system carries out all its functions with the help of two receptors:

  1. The CB1 receptor, and 
  2. The CB2 receptor.

The CB1 receptor is found in the other brain and spinal cord of the user. This receptor is responsible for the cognitive functioning of the human body. These functions include sharpness, mood, memory, and so on. In fact, even movement and coordination are also looked after by the CB1 receptor.

On the other hand, the CB1 receptor is found near the immune cells of the user. This receptor looks after the management of inflammation and pain in the body. This is also the receptor with which the CBD chemical interacts with the most.

We would like to point out that the interaction of the CBD chemical is a tad bit different. What we mean to say is that the CBD chemical does not latch itself on to the CB2 receptor.

The only job of the CBD chemical is to encourage the body to produce more cannabinoids. With the increase in the number of cannabinoids in the body, the user becomes stronger. And even healthier. The immune system of the body becomes more powerful. With the boost in power, it can ward off most of the unwanted health diseases as well. And no, CBD does not produce any endocannabinoid in any manner.

For the purpose of this article:

We will mostly focus on the relationship between CBD and inflammation. You see, the CBD chemical can help to curb inflammation as well as any associated pain. But, this is done by the CBD chemical in an indirect manner.

When the CBD chemical interacts with the cannabinoid receptors, it has an effect on the glycine receptor. The glycine receptor, in turn, actively works to reduce inflammation. This is in the joints and surrounding tissues. In addition to this, it can also help to reduce any oxidative stress in the body.

The glycine receptor is a protein that plays an important role to send the pain signals from the affected area to the brain. To be more precise, the pain signals travel via the spinal cord to the brain.

Oxidative stress takes place when the anti-oxidant defenses. And, the production of free radicals gets altered. This, in turn, can be controlled by the therapeutic effects of the CBD chemical. All in all, you can use CBD to reduce inflammation in the tissues of your body.

Decoding The Optimal Dosage To Help Curb Your Inflammation With The Help Of CBD

Decoding The Optimal CBD Dosage for Inlammation Inflammation

Using the Internet to find the optimal dosage is most certainly a difficult task. The main reason behind this is most pages solely focus on the benefits of CBD. And, leave the question of optimal dosage unanswered.

The other pages that do mention fall short as well. This is in terms of dosage that mostly focus on the different CBD method intake. There are only a select few pages that properly talk about optimal dosage. We are trying best to make available information to help you understand the optimal dosage better.

The Reason Why the Optimal Dosage Remains Open for Interpretation

There is quite an important agency that looks after the well-being of Americans in the country. Of course, we are talking about the U.S Food and Drug Administration (FDA). It is also this agency which is responsible for dosage vagueness associated with CBD.

The FDA has still not approved of the CBD chemical. The agency does not consider the cannabinoid as a dietary supplement. As a result of this, it has also not issued any guidelines about the optimal dosage for CBD. We can say that there is a lack of regulation from this agency for things related to CBD.

If things would have been different, the FDA would have issued a Recommended Daily Intake (RDI) for CBD. But since this is not the case, there is a lot of confusion where the dosage of the CBD chemical is concerned.

The main reason why the FDA has not issued any guidelines is due to limited research. You see, there were a lot of restrictions placed on cannabis and its derivatives. This, in turn, greatly limited their capacity to research and find out more about the CBD chemical.

The FDA wants more solid proof before publishing any dosage regarding CBD. It wants to truly understand the potential of the CBD chemical before making any claims about its health benefits. This makes sense because the agency needs to take precautions as a lot of people follow it blindly. But, due to restricted scope, we are not aware of the long-term effects of the CBD chemicals.

In the present time, things are very dynamic in the CBD field. State laws, as well as the federal laws, are making changes in legislation is to reflect their acceptance of CBD. Then again, there are also American states who are waiting for the FDA to issue its stance on CBD.

Even the FDA is conducting meetings to learn more about the CBD and again. It has invited CBD advocates, CBD makers, and so on to understand how CBD works. And, whether it really does have a positive effect on the health of the user. The good thing here is that once more credible proof is available to us, the CBD chemical will then become more official.

Now, before you assume that the lack of the FDA’s approval means that CBD is unsafe, let us stop you right there.

The CBD chemical is relatively safe to be consumed by people. After all, if it would not have been the case, the FDA would have been quick to ban the element. If the agency fine is that any CBD brand is trying to for the customer, it will step in. So, you will never have to worry about consuming CBD products that may have a negative impact on your health. But, you have to make sure that the CBD product you buy is of good quality.

With the absence of regulation from the FDA, the responsibility of being safe shifts to the user. Bing on this in mind, you have to make sure that the CBD brand from where you buy the product can be trusted.

The Factors That You Have To Take Into Account Before You Decide CBD Dosage For Inflammation

The Factors That You Have To Take Into Account Before You Decide CBD Dosage For Inflammation

Whether you talk about CBD for inflammation or any other diseases, the dosage is a bit of trial and error.

There are a lot of factors that you have to take into account before you find out the optimal dosage for your body. You will be shocked when you realize just how many factors come into play when you are deciding optimal dosage.

Of course, at the start, it will take time and effort on your part to figure out the correct dosage. But, you will be the one to benefit from the therapeutic effects of the CBD chemical as well.

There are many factors that you have to keep in mind before you decide the optimal dosage.

The Sensitivity or Tolerance Level of the CBD User

You cannot compare two different human beings together. This is because each one of them has its own uniqueness and way of processing. For example, if you have a friend that is using CBD, you will not benefit from the dosage that he or she may follow. You will still have to figure out the dosage as per your body needs.

As per the optimal dosage, there are different and no answers that you have to consider. Only when the dosage is correct will the symptoms of the different health issues be reduced.

Keeping this in mind, it is important to figure out the dosage after considering your sensitivity or tolerance level. There might be people who have a higher sensitivity. And, there might be people who have lower sensitivity.

In the case of people who have a more tolerance level and lower sensitivity, they would need a smaller CBD dosage. But, people who have higher sensitivity and a lower tolerance level, would need a stronger dose of the CBD chemical.

There might be cases where the tolerance level is developed after using CBD for a certain period of time. In these cases, you will have to adjust your CBD dose amounts accordingly. With the help of the correct dosage, you will be able to feel the relief effects in a much more efficient manner.

But then again, this is very rare. This simple reasoning behind this is that the body does not usually create a tolerance for the CBD chemical. This, in turn, helps to control any substance abuse possibility.

The Seriousness of the Health Issue that a Person is Suffering

The entire purpose of consuming CBD is to improve the symptoms of the condition that you are suffering from. We have already mentioned how CBD has a holistic impact on the body. This helps to regulate the mental and physical well-being of the user.

Now, if you are suffering from a more serious health condition, it is logical for you to consume a higher dose of CBD. In the same way, if you have a mild condition, you would need a smaller dose of the CBD chemical.

To put things into perspective, let us assume you are using a CBD topical. Identify the target area where you are suffering from inflammation. You will need to apply the CBD topical in this area. This helps to regulate the mental and physical well-being of the user.

Now, if you are suffering from a more serious health condition, it is logical for you to consume a higher dose of CBD. In the same way, if you have a mild condition, you would need a smaller dose of the CBD chemical.

To put things into perspective, let us assume you are using a CBD topical. Identify the target area where you are suffering from inflammation. You will need to apply the CBD topical in this area. If the inflammation is acute, you would need to apply the more topical product. However, if the inflammation is on the mild side, you would need a lesser amount of the product.

The Total Concentration of the CBD Chemical in the Product Purchased

Every product that you find in the market will have a specific concentration of the CBD chemical. They might either be the same. Or, they may differ from one product to another. Understanding the concept of concentration is important to figure out the optimal dosage.

A very common misunderstanding is to use the terms concentration and dosage synonymously.

In terms of the concentration, it refers to the total quantity of the CBD chemical in the product. In the case of any other chemical also it will be the total amount in which it is present that would be referred to as its concentration. The most common measuring unit in the case of concentration is milligrams (mg).

Now, let us talk about dosage. Dosage is the total amount of CBD that you take at a time whenever you consume a product.

Let us consider an example to understand the difference between concentration and dosage better. If you have a CBD tincture that has a total concentration of 1500 mg. It is also said that the product will have about 30 milliliters (mL) of CBD oil in it. And, if you refer to the label on the product, you find out that the recommended dosage, in this case, is 1 mL.

In this case:

You are getting 50 mg of CBD with every one mL serving of the product. So, the total amount of CBD was 1500 mg. But, in terms of dosage, you will get 50 mg of CBD. So, you have to take into account the concentration of the CBD chemical in a product to find out the correct dosage for your body needs.

Posted in Oils; Tagged CBD oil application

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